

新闻 | 10.03.2017
圣玛丽森林的普罗维登斯修女会. 打破界限,创造希望.

圣玛丽森林学院 and the 圣玛丽森林的普罗维登斯修女会 are pleased to announce the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Historic District is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Its addition to the National Register honors the property’s importance to the state and the nation.

“We’ve always known The Woods to be a special place which has touched and changed many lives for generations. Now, the nation has recognized its significance and we are incredibly proud,” said 多蒂L. 国王,Ph值.D.SMWC的主席.

The Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Historic District is approximately 67 acres of mostly-wooded site. It is deemed significant in two criteria: its association with events and people who have
对美国教育的广泛模式做出了重要贡献.S. 历史, 尤其是在教育和宗教方面, and the distinct characteristics and high artistic values of architecture at Saint

“When people visit Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for the first time, 他们总是被它的美丽与宁静所折服. It is a place made sacred not only by the beauty of the 建筑 and the environment but by the people who have walked here, 在这里分享的灵性, by the work of education and now health care that takes place here,Dawn Tomaszewski说, SP, ’74, 普罗维登斯修女会的总会长.

普罗维登斯修女会,由圣. 西奥多·葛林母亲——敬爱的美国第八任总统.S. saint — emigrated from France in 1840 to form a religious order in Indiana for the purpose of establishing a school, which eventually became the oldest Catholic women’s college in the state.

1856年圣母西奥多去世, she had directed the opening of 11 schools in nine Indiana towns. 圣玛丽森林的开创性工作, the Indiana wilderness where this order and higher learning institution were established, became an important contributor to the evolution of women’s education and Catholic higher education in the country.

The Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Historic District features a collection of high-styled 建筑 constructed between the 1880s and the 1960s; many were designed by architectural firm, 波伦和印第安纳波利斯之子. The 建筑 are impressive examples of the Classical Revival, Renaissance and

The National Register nomination form submitted by SMWC lists a total of 66 建筑, 网站, structures and objects contributing to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods’ historic significance. 其中包括盖林堂等建筑, 乐费尔大厅, 霍尔曼大厅和鲁尼图书馆, 均为SMWC所有, as well as impressive religious 建筑 owned by the Sisters of Providence such as the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 圣堂, Sisters of Providence Motherhouse/Providence Hall and the St. 安妮·谢尔教堂.

“What an inheritance we have received from the Sisters of Providence who went before us, whose vision and deep appreciation for the beautiful helped shape the architectural expressions found both in the 圣玛丽森林学院 建筑 and in those places where the Sisters of Providence live and work,Tomaszewski说. “I think this designation as a Historic District honors their legacy, a legacy that we Sisters of Providence today truly desire to share with others. We certainly hope this designation on the National Register of Historic Places will lead more people to discover this treasure we call Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.”

SMWC started pursuing the nomination in January 2015 in conjunction with the 2016 Indiana Bicentennial. 学院与Tommy Kleckner合作, 印第安纳州地标西部地区办公室主任, 在整个过程中. Both SMWC and the Sisters of Providence were recipients of the Indiana Landmarks Partners in Preservation grant, which covered part of the technical consultation fee for the nomination.

Administered by the National Park Service, the National Register is the official list of historic U.S. 被认为值得保存的遗址. 这是对建筑的正式认可, 历史, or archaeological significance based on national standards used by U.S. 州. It allows opportunities for specific preservation incentives including federal and state grants and tax credits.

“Historic preservation is important to the human narrative. Our campus is a picture of our values and a living demonstration of our commitment to honoring the rich legacy we have inherited. We’re excited about the possibilities the new designation creates to raise awareness of the historic impact and beauty of our campus and especially to share this beauty with future generations of students,金补充道。.

圣玛丽森林历史区,东部. 2017

共有66个提供网站和23个不提供网站, 建筑, structures and objects make up the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Historic District. The contributing 网站 and 建筑 are listed below, with architects as attributed.


  1. 圣玛丽森林校园,1844-1922. 贡献(网站)
  2. 普罗维登斯姐妹公墓,雕像 & 纪念馆,1861年至今. 贡献(网站)


  1. 安妮·谢尔教堂(1844/1876. 贡献
  2. Corbe House(牧师住所),意大利,1884年. 1910. 贡献; 波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  3. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Renaissance Revival, 1886-1907. 贡献连接器,1903年. 波伦 & 儿子,架构师. Thaddeus de Zukotynski,壁画家
  4. Sisters of Providence Motherhouse/Providence Hall, Rundbogenstil, 1889-1902. 波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  5. 物理工厂大楼,意大利,1891-1892. 贡献
  6. 伍德兰旅馆,1894年,安妮女王. 波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  7. 扇屋,古典复兴,1905年. 贡献
  8. 音乐学院,1911-1913,美术. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  9. Guerin Hall, 1911-1913,美术. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  10. 工业车库,古典复兴,1919年. 贡献
  11. 水厂/添加,古典复兴,1919/1920. 贡献
  12. 圣礼教堂,文艺复兴时期,1920年. 贡献; 波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  13. Cottage (formerly connected to greenhouse which has been razed), c. 1920. 贡献
  14. Le Fer Residence Hall, 1921-1923, Beaux-艺术/Renaissance Revival. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  15. 卢尔德大厅/医务室,古典复兴,1921年. 贡献
  16. 奥肖内西餐厅,古典复兴,1921年. 贡献; 波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  17. 门屋,1925年. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  18. 马厩,1925/2002. 贡献,皮尔森木材公司,建筑商
  19. 物理工厂办公室,古典复兴,1937年. 贡献
  20. 林地旅馆车库,1940年. 贡献
  21. White Violet Center (Laundry Building), 1948, Classical Revival. 贡献
  22. 玛丽安·霍尔,牧场风格,1954年. 贡献
  23. 欧文斯厅,现代,1958年. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  24. 鲁尼图书馆,1963-1964,现代. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师
  25. 古德温宾馆,1964-65. 贡献
  26. 霍尔曼科学大厅,1967-1969,现代. 贡献,波伦 & 儿子,架构师